It’s time for a world premiere on the site, this is the first upload with a photo made with my new Nikon D3s and the Nikon GP-1 unit – so now it’s possible to see where images are made (click on the link at the bottom), that’s pretty cool, right?.
Well, the photo is made at the H.C. Øersted Lake here in Copenhagen, one evening on my way home from work – yes one of those nights – it is an HDR made from 5 RAW exposures, the usual process through Photo Matrix and Photoshop.
However, in this case I have imported three of the five exposures (+2, 0 and -2) into Photoshop and masked parts of them with the HDR image.
- Camera: NIKON D3S
- ISO: 200
- Location: 55° 40.7849′ 0″ N 12° 33.9402′ 0″ E
- Shutter speed: 25s
H.C. Ørsted Lake by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.