I went out to shoot some nighttime photos in DC and forgot the camera shoe for my tripod. Here, the camera was set on the ground with a small stone under the lens to raise it a bit – When you are scatter brained – you must be imaginative.
Well anyway I like the way the image turned out and I don’t think I would have been able to make a better photo if I had had my tripod with me.
A 5 RAW exposure HDR made in Photomatrix and with some minor adjustments in Photoshop.
- Aperture: ƒ/5.6
- Camera: NIKON D300
- Focal length: 65mm
- ISO: 200
- Shutter speed: 30s
Jefferson Memorial by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.