My first day at Bryce Canyon last year, was a grey and rainy one, but I went for a walk anyway, didn’t have anything else to do any how. As I was walking around the trails at the bottom of the canyon, I came by this small gravel hill, which I decided to climb up on to see what the View was like from up there, as I approached the top of the hill, the was a clearing in the sky and the sun came shining through, and after a few minutes this Rainbow emerged.
My widest lens at the time was a 24mm, but I couldn’t get back far enough – without tumbling down the hill – to capture the entire rainbow, I made quick decision and changed the 24mm lens with the 35mm, and then shoot the rainbow in three parts, that I later would Stitch together in Photoshop.
It took a total of 15 images to make this photo, 5 for the HDR‘s and 3 for the panorama. It’s all made in Photomatrix and Photoshop.
Go Get the Gold by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.