My friend Per, who lives in London at the moment, were so kind to let me crash on his couch for a couple of nights, when I attended the Trey Ratcliff HDR workshop last year. Thanks mate.
Per had just bought his first digital SLR camera – a Canon, unfortunately – and was keen on joining me for a few hours of photo walking. We had a great time roaming the streets of London for a little early Night shooting. Thanks for the company Per.
- Aperture: ƒ/6.3
- Camera: NIKON D3S
- Focal length: 24mm
- ISO: 200
- Location: 51° 30.6679′ 0″ N 0° 5.2195′ 0″ W
- Shutter speed: 4s
Underground by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.