On my way back from the Yellowstone park to my hotel in Silver gate, just outside the Northeast gate of the park – I’d been out making some sunset photos – I stopped on this parking lot because I wanted to try to make a photo in the light from the full moon, it was so dark that I hardly couldn’t see anything, but I turned up the shutter speed to 30 seconds and an aperture of 5,6, which made the photo to dark, but after a few exposures I ended up at the settings you see below.
And right as I had pushed the shutter to make the final photo, this car came driving – there hadn’t been a single car driving by all the time I was trying to find the right settings – I almost stopped the camera in the middle of the exposure, but I didn’t, and I am very glad that I didn’t, cause the photo above is what came out of the car driving by.
I really like that it looks like the road is on fire, and that the flames are crawling up the cliffs.
What do you think?
I made more photos that Night in the moon light, but I’ll post those later on.
- Aperture: ƒ/4.5
- Camera: NIKON D3S
- Focal length: 24mm
- ISO: 800
- Location: 44° 56.0831′ 0″ N 110° 43.4553′ 0″ W
- Shutter speed: 30s
Drive by in the Full Moon Light by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.