Here’s a photo that I am really proud of.
The Town below is Sumba, the southernmost town on the Faroe Islands, here I stayed with some fiends for a couple of days in 2010, we stayed in the black house obliquely backward from the church, in the second row from the back…… does this make any sense.
Anyway, I took a walk up the nearest hill, I then walk further south, to get to the most southern point on the Faroe Islands – if you’re not calculating in some rocks further out in the Water, that is – and on the way back I stopped and made this photo.
I’m also trying something new with this post, a Before and After comparison. I’ll make more of these in the future, so I hope you like them.

- Aperture: ƒ/5.6
- Camera: NIKON D3S
- Focal length: 35mm
- ISO: 200
- Location: 61° 24.0633′ 0″ N 6° 42.368′ 0″ W
- Shutter speed: 1/320s
Sumba view by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.