Five photos from before I got My first digital camera. They are all made with My Nikon F70 – see more photos made with that camera, at My portfolio site www.bonielsen.me, in this gallery.
The first photo is from Denmark, I don’t know – or can’t remember – which year it’s from. post processed in Lightroom 5.2
The next two are from a trip to Prague in The Czech Republic, and they are from April, 2002. they are post processed with the help of Lightroom 5.2 as well, but the last one “Prague 01” where finished in Analog Efex Pro from Nik.
The last two are from a trip to Bulgaria in 2003, they are from the city Varna. Both where post processed first in Lightroom 5.2 and then in Analog Efex Pro.
Five from Before I Went Digital by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.