My friend Ilan told me about this place called “Åsen” – don’t really know how to translate that in to English – it’s a hilly Forest area, about a 45 minutes drive from where I live. I went down there to check it out a few weeks ago. And it’s a totally awesome place, definitely not the last time I have been down there.
So expect to see more photos from that spot in the future.
- Aperture: ƒ/8
- Camera: NIKON D3S
- Focal length: 56mm
- ISO: 200
- Location: 55° 28.1236′ 0″ N 12° 8.9367′ 0″ E
- Shutter speed: 1/1250s
The Sunsets Behind a Row of Trees by Bo47 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.